What's on?
Sundays ....

You are very welcome to join us .. there will be Worship and a talk plus coffee and cakes !. We start at 10.30 am for coffee and worship starts at 10.40 am
For location directions for each Sunday, please use the "FIND US" tab on this KIng's House Perth website. Or you can use the CONTACT Us form or phone number 01738 570208 for more information. We will try to respond asap.
We run a creche and Kidzconnected work for older children.
During the Week ....
During the week, we do Hubs on Thursday and Fridays in various homes in the area.

These include a meal and a time of fellowship and with a fanastic time of word/prayer/prophecy. Jesus did so much over a meal and we aspire to share our lives, pray for the Kingdom to come and have meals like in Acts 2. All welcome.
Other Activities ...
During week, we also do other informal bible studies and accountability groups for sharing.
We also have MN8 - for our Youth - informal gathering for youth to grow friendships and relationships.
We are also strong supporters and participate in CAP (Christians Against Poverty) and Safefamilies. Through these organisations, we have many volunteers from KHP, serving the city and it's people.
Every Term....
We do Prayer Weeks every term for spending time praying for our country, area, businesses and communities, for breakthroughs and His will to be done.
Every Year ....
We also take part in and support Connections - a yearly gathering for Youth from around 4 churches in Scotland. Also, we have a Youth camp in June. Please contact for details